It’s important not to subscribe to the doom and gloom media hype surrounding the Canadian housing market. The sky’s not falling, so why would you want to scare potential homebuyers into continuing to rent or homeowners into staying put instead of moving up if they’re in a position to comfortably do so?

Positivity breeds positivity. If you find yourself caught up in negative reports, switch gears and find something uplifting to talk about.

Find your opportunity

Many agree that the current market conditions are not going to change drastically in the foreseeable future. So, with this new normal comes opportunities for mortgage and real estate experts to better advise your clients. Now more than ever what potential homebuyers need is your expertise on how they can get into a home now or advice on what steps to take in order to get there in the future.

Be the filter for your clients. Instead of talking negatively about the current market or posting articles to that effect on your social media, counteract the impact of the naysayers by only posting positive news and information.

When dealing with Millennials, for instance, don’t encourage them to give up on their dreams of homeownership but, rather, demonstrate how they can better prepare to take the leap into homeownership. They represent the future of homebuying. If you discourage this group, what does that say about the future of homeownership for our country?

Creative Soul Communications


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